Show Two Developers or Students How to Execute the FOSSASIA Star Me Project in the Browser Developer Console and Connect them with the Community


The goal of this task is to connect more new developers and contributors with FOSSASIA and its Sister projects, and to teach students how to access the developer console in a browser to execute a script connecting them.


1) Help two contributors to join FOSSASIA and its sister projects on GitHub and become a public member by following the links here: FOSSASIA, Phimpme, meilix, Fashiontec, OpnTec, libredesktop, FFII, lubuntu and loklak. Ensure there is a photo on the profile (Read here how to switch membership to public.).

2) Show two contributors or student how to execute a script in the browser: Go to the FOSSASIA Star Me Repository, copy the script in the repo and paste it into the browser console. Then execute it until it is finished. A detailed step by step guide is in the of the project.

3) Help two contributors to connect with the projects on Twitter, Facebook (team page with links to member profiles here)

4) Post on social media about the work, e.g. "Helping new contributors to join #FOSSASIA #OpenTech #OpenSource community @hpdang @mariobehling @gcodein @fossasia"


  • Two new members joined
  • They executed a script in the developer console using the Star Me project (please provide details/links, previous signed up accounts are not eligible)
  • They connected to projects
  • Social posts about task

Task tags

  • github
  • developer console
  • community
  • browser

Students who completed this task

Jazeel Jamaldeen, Nhi Nguyen, Zi Ting Kow, Thushaakar Parameswaran, Lim Yu Wei, Kartikeya Singh, Samyak Jain, Shahaam Marzook, Thabirshan Saravanan, Arjun Pandey, Saarthak Chaturvedi

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • assessment Outreach / Research
  • done_all Quality Assurance

