
Present a Haiku Talk to a local audience

The Haiku project is not very well known even in the open source world. We need your help to reach out to more users or developers.

Present Haiku to a local audience, whether that be a Linux User Group, a technology club, a school, etc. You can do a 5 minute lightning style talk, or a longer 30-60 minute talk and demo, the choice is yours. Figure about 1-2 slides per minute of talking. For your work on this task we would like to see your slides.

Final output of your slides should be a .pdf file. You can use Google Slides or any other slides program you wish for this, but be sure to export the final result as a pdf so it can be viewed inside Haiku itself. This will make it easy for you to transition to demo mode during your talk.

Task tags

  • linux user group
  • presentation
  • outreach
  • talk
  • slideshow

Students who completed this task

Vrinda Girimaji, Aaryan Magnani, Owen

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • assessment Outreach / Research