Website: Improve design and fix top menu bar on Science Hack India website


The Science Hack India site has some design issues. It would also be nice to see the site in the FOSSASIA colors. Please help to achieve this goal and improve the site hosted on GitHub.

A relevant issue is here, but you can also create your own issue, that is relevant enough to get a substantial improvement of the site.


  • Understanding of html, css and Javascript
  • Access to GitHub
  • Be a member of the FOSSASIA org
  • Sent a tweet about the task


  • Improved the Science Hack India website and solved an issue
  • Have a merged pull request that substantially improved the site design
  • Tweeted about the task, e.g. something like "Improved #ScienceHack #SHD #India website with @FOSSASIA during #GCI" with a screenshot


Task tags

  • website
  • html
  • css
  • javascript
  • github

Students who completed this task

Alejandro Heredia

Task type

  • code Code
  • web Design
  • done_all Quality Assurance