Extend the list of Vector OSM Cities for Marble

Welcome to Marble, a virtual globe and world atlas that runs on Linux, Windows, MacOS and Android. Find your way and explore the world! :-)

This task is closely related to Marble, but you can do it without it. All you need is a KDE account which you can easily create at identity.kde.org.

  • Open the shared document marble-vector-cities. Use your KDE account to login. You see a long list of links to cities from bbbike.org
  • At the end of the list there is a link to a city from mapzen.com The goal of this task is to add all the cities from the mapzen.com website to that list. To do that, click on each citiy on the mapzen.com website, get the .osm.pbf link and append it to the shared document
  • Feel free to automate this a bit if you think it's too boring to click on each city. However make sure that the links are correct
  • Finally please mark each city link from mapzen.com which is already contained in the bbbike.org list with a preceding #, e.g.


The shared document is the result of the task. Just mark the task as submitted when you're done with all cities.

Got a question or a problem you cannot solve on your own? Please contact your mentors:

Task tags

  • openstreetmap
  • marble

Students who completed this task

Gabriel Lee

Task type

  • assessment Outreach / Research