Ski Piste Rendering in Marble Vector OSM. Step 2: Piste Ways

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Aerialways from Step 1 bring people up the mountain. Now it's time to also show piste ways which bring them down again.

  • Add support for the known piste type values. Introduce corresponding visual categories PisteDownhill, PisteNordic, ..., PisteSkiJump.
  • Use the piste difficulty value to determine an appropriate fill color for the way style. Use some sort of white/light gray as fallback. Note that different countries use different colors as shown in the OSM wiki. Support this by using the system locale. E.g. you could check QLocale::system().country() and use different colors for {QLocale::Japan}, {QLocale::UnitedStates, QLocale::UnitedStatesMinorOutlyingIslands, QLocale::Canada} and the Oceanian countries and finally fall back to Europe.
  • Describe piste grooming in Placemark.cpp. The values itself are too short to be understandable by users, therefore use a shortened description for each value.
  • Add piste:abandoned=yes to the blacklist in the start of StyleBuilder::determineVisualCategory to prevent that abandoned piste ways are rendered
  • Extract descriptions from piste:lit, lit, gladed and patrolled tags.

Test your changes with ski areas and compare to opensnowmap.org

When you are done, please upload your code changes in a review request to phabricator. Got a question or a problem you cannot solve on your own? Please contact your mentors.

Task tags

  • openstreetmap
  • marble
  • qt

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code