Show Nearby Routes in Marble Vector OSM

Welcome to Marble, a virtual globe and world atlas that runs on Linux, Windows, MacOS and Android. Find your way and explore the world! :-)

To complete this task you need a Marble development environment. Do one of the tasks "Setup a Marble development environment on Linux | Windows" before working on this.

Marble now extracts OSM routes in vector tiles, but they are not yet presented to the user. As a very first step we'd like to show related routes to the user whenever he selects something: For example a hiking route that contains a given way or a public transport bus route that includes a certain bus stop. There can be arbitrarily many (0, 1, 2, ...) routes for a given place, so we will use a list view to show them. Implementation details for this task can be found in T5036: Show Nearby Routes.

When you are done, please upload your code changes in a review request to phabricator. Got a question or a problem you cannot solve on your own? Please contact your mentors.

Task tags

  • openstreetmap
  • marble
  • qt

Students who completed this task

Sergey Popov

Task type

  • code Code