Star symbols for capitals in Marble Vector OpenStreetMap

Welcome to Marble, a virtual globe and world atlas that runs on Linux, Windows, MacOS and Android. :-)


  • Setup a Marble development environment on Linux OR Windows

Marble currently displays capital cities of nations, states and small regions using a circle icon with a dot inside. We'd like to render national capital cities ("admin level 2") using a star symbol: place-capital-adminlevel2.svg. Please add support to render it.

Important requirements:

  • In StyleBuilder.cpp, line 322 the size of city icons is scaled down to 0.25. For our nation capitals we need to scale it down to 0.55 instead !!!
  • Make sure that the icon is properly tinted depending on the city population: City, Town and Village. Check the other code to get this right!
  • In tile level 1-9 the tiles might not contain the tags to identify the admin2-capitals. Add support by adjusting tools/shp2osm/polyshp2osm.py . Render your own tiles to test your code.

In the StyleBuilder source code don't get confused by the old Capital enums where the enum-name doesn't start with "Place". They are not relevant for our vector map!

When you are done, please upload your code changes in a review request to phabricator. You need a KDE account to login, easily created at identity.kde.org.

Got a question or a problem you cannot solve on your own? Please contact your mentors:

Task tags

  • openstreetmap
  • marble
  • qt

Students who completed this task

Sergey Popov

Task type

  • code Code
  • web Design