Show OpenStreetMap Notes in Marble. Step 2: Improved Rendering
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To complete this task you need a Marble development environment. Do one of these tasks to set it up:
- Setup a Marble development environment on Linux
- Setup a Marble dev environment on Windows
This task extends the code from the task "Show OpenStreetMap Notes in Marble. Step 1: Basic Support". The goal is to improve the display of OSM notes in Marble.
- Parse more of the useful properties fields and attach them to NotesItem. Create appropriate methods and member variables to store the information
- Use the text of the last comment to draw a label text next to the icon. Since the text can be long, shorten it with the help of https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qfontmetrics.html#elidedText
- Use the extracted information to change the icon such that resolved notes have a different icon than unresolved ones
- We cannot use the icons from https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Notes since they are GPL-licensed. Search e.g. https://thenounproject.com for appropriate alternatives and base new icons on that (@Torsten, do you want to chime in here?)
When you are done, please upload your code changes in a review request to phabricator.
Got a question or a problem you cannot solve on your own? Please contact your mentors.
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Students who completed this task
Spencer Brown