GCompris: play and test

GCompris is available on multiple platforms: linux (http://gcompris.net/download/qt/linux/gcompris-qt-0.61-Linux.sh), android, ios, macosx and a beta for Windows (http://gcompris.net/download/qt/windows/gcompris-qt-0.61-win32.exe). Run it on any platform you can and report if you find bugs or possible improvements. If you are not sure, you can first report the bugs in the comment section and we'll review them. If we consider them to be real bugs, for each bug you found, create a new bug report at https://bugs.kde.org/describecomponents.cgi?product=gcompris, click on new, select "gcompris" project then fill the description. Please follow the guidelines: https://bugs.kde.org/page.cgi?id=bug-writing.html If you need more details or are unsure, you can contact us via irc, channel #gcompris (https://webchat.freenode.net/ to connect for example)

Update: we are currently in phase to release a new version for windows and android, it would be nice to have some testing on this version: you can find which version to download in the mail summing up the new release: https://mail.kde.org/pipermail/gcompris-devel/2016-December/004981.html. The plan would be to release it before the end of the year so any bug found before (and fixed) is one less bug for children.

Task tags

  • test
  • beginner

Students who completed this task

Shadow21, Karol Borecki, Karmanya Sharma, Lyudmyla Pylypchuk, Carson Richter

Task type

  • done_all Quality Assurance

