phimpme Android: Enhance design and modify all the Icons/Images using Material Design
Make substantial improvements to the app design and modify all the Icons/Images using Material Design or enhance the design in any other way.
- Read about Material Design guidelines. Learn how Android supports multiple screens, concept of sizes and densities etc.
- Open an issue for the design improvements you are planning.
- Fork the app. Run in Android studio.
- Insert the new Material icons in place of existing icons or make any other substantial design improvements.
- To support all screens add all the ranges such as ldpi, mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi etc.
- Tweet about your task on Twitter, Weibo or other tweet like channel. Your tweet should include [.....@FOSSASIA #GCI @hpdang @mariobehling]
- Post about your task on Facebook or other social media. Your post should include a link to
- Star the repository
- Accepted Pull Request with new appropriate icons for all screen sizes or any other substantial design improvement (Note: Changes should be substantial for this advanced task.)
- Tweeted about task and posted info on social media
- Starred repository
- Repository:
- Material Design Guidelines:
Task tags
Students who completed this task
Abishek V Ashok, Oana Rosca, Mui Kai En