Website: Add a FOSSASIA mentor photo and credentials in the mentor section of the FOSSASIA GCI Website
1) Objective
We have put up a basic site on We want to develop a nice website with pictures of all mentors and students of Google Code-In. Please add the picture and credentials of a mentor to the site in the mentor section. You can see the list of mentors in the issue tracker.
2) Requirements
- Please sign up for github and leave your details in the Signup form, so your mentor can add you to the team:
- Fork the Website repository and make it run on your own repository with Github pages (more info here
- Add the picture of a mentor in the image folder (Use the right dimensions with a ratio 1:1, 240x240 max).
- Also include the credentials of the mentor (blog link, github user name, twitter, facebook - what you like)
- Make a pull request to merge your changes to the original github repository of
- Announce your work on your blog (if you have one)
- Tweet about your task on Twitter, Weibo or other tweet like channel, e.g. something similar to “Posted my work for #FOSSASIA at #GCI @fossasia @hpdang @mariobehling” and post about your task at Facebook or other social media, providing a link to FOSSASIA
- star the GCI repository on GitHub
3) Expected Outcome
- photo and personal links of FOSSASIA mentors on the site matching the design.
- student is team member
- tweet or other social media message and starred repository
Task tags
Students who completed this task
Mridul Birla, Đào Tính, Aditya Jyoti Paul, gillarious, Gaeun Kim, Paras Dumka, Sanchit Mishra, Ankit R Gadiya, hoangvanthien, Adarsh Kumar, Kartikeya Singh, Srijan Jha, Abdulsamad Aliyu, Nikhil Chandak, Kid Coder, Mostafa Elgayar, Galangkangin Gotera, Will Kaye, Diana Balderas, Ekesh, Oana Rosca, Tushar Kumar, Abishek V Ashok, Anastasia Kostiv