Open Event: Create an event website listing to Open Event format scraper and converter


The goal of this task is to get as many events as possible from event ticketing services and convert the data into the open event format.

The background is, that the idea of the Open Event server is not only an event management system, it can also be used as an event search engine. Different to other search engine, the event details should be matched and added to the database.

This task therefore has two parts:

  1. Develop a script to scrape an event listing service (This could be any event ticketing website for example).

  2. Convert the data into the open event format (including JSON and images).


Expected Outcome

  • Merged pull request to with:
    • Python script to scrape large number of events from event services
    • Script includes automatic conversion to open event zip
  • Tweet about task @fossasia @eventyay @mariobehling


Task tags

  • python
  • open event
  • script
  • search
  • format

Students who completed this task

Pol, Oana Rosca

Task type

  • code Code
  • web Design
  • done_all Quality Assurance