FOSSASIA Summit: Invite five tech companies to our Open Tech Summit

The FOSSASIA summit takes place from March 17-19 in Singapore.

Please invite five tech companies to the event. Ensure you invite relevant participants to the event. You can use our template from Google docs and adapt it to your needs.


  • Research tech companies and find relevant email contacts e.g. of a person in the software development team, developer outreach or marketing. You might find contacts of relevant personnel on the website or you could use resources such as Linkedin, Facebook or other sites for people search. (Do not use contact emails such a help@xyzcompany.. or support@xyzcompany.. etc.)
  • Fill in the names and contact details of the relevant staff of tech companies you found into our spreadsheet here Make sure the contacts and companies are not yet on the list.
  • Copy the email template from and adapt it to be relevant for the invitation.
  • Send emails to 5 companies, do not forget to add in CC when you send the email. (You need to add in CC, so your work is counted.)
  • Tweet or use any other social media to announce your work, e.g. Also add the twitter accounts of companies into tweets "Join the #FOSSASIA Summit 2017 in #Singapore @IMDAsg @GovTechSG @mariobehling [@companies here]"

Expected outcome

  • 5 New tech companies are added to the list
  • 5 emails are sent to

Task tags

  • summit
  • open tech event
  • event
  • fossasia

Students who completed this task

Gabriel Lee, Mostafa Elgayar, Yashika Chugh, Nadun Yashmika

Task type

  • assessment Outreach / Research