Describe a new module in your own words
The modularity of Terasology enables the creation of a wide range of modules. Many of them are constantly in development, with new features and bugfixes being applied. Other than engine limitations however, our main bottleneck is defining high-level designs of new or existing modules. Your task is to think of a new module that could be added to the game and submit its' description in your own words, defining its' purpose, structure, functionality and so on.
Definition of 'Done'
- A 300-500 word description of a new module is submitted. It should cover the following questions:
- Purpose: What will the module be for? Why would players be interested in it?
- Structure: What should the module contain? (components, systems, events)
- Extensibility: Will developers be able to extend the new module? If so, how?
- The module should have a reasonable number of features, and ideally be usable and extendable by other modules.
- You can add screenshots, diagrams, or other artifacts to the description if they help with "painting the bigger picture".
Where to start?
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Students who completed this task
Quinn Roberts, Rufus Behr, Zehata, J Young Kim, Josiah Somani, Scott Moses Sunarto, Mandar Juvekar, Benjamin Amos, Vaibhav Bajaj, Tim Verhaegen, Mohammad Darvish