
Add mana system to MagicalStats module

Terasology has recently added a MagicalStats module that implements a basic RPG stats system consisting of four different magical attributes.

An extension to this module would be the introduction of a Mana system. Like many other games, mana will be the main resource pool for (eventually) casting spells. For simplicity's sake, we can assume that mana is equal to the wisdom stat * 10.

For this task, I expect a ManaComponent, ManaClientSystem, ManaAuthoritySystem, and several mana-based equivalents to the health system events. Specifically these events:

  • DoHealEvent
  • BeforeHealEvent
  • OnHealedEvent
  • FullHealthEvent

Optionally, you may add in a ManaHUD as well.

See the HealthComponent, health systems, health HUD, and the health-related events for more information.

Definition of 'Done'

  • A pull request is submitted to the MagicalStats module containing the aforementioned requested items. Feel free to add your GitHub nickname to the list of authors in the module.txt file!

Where to start?

  • Check out how the base Health system works in the base Terasology Core module.
  • For an overview of working with modules, check out the wiki pages on the Entity System and Events and Systems

Task tags

  • content
  • java
  • github
  • games
  • modding

Students who completed this task

Zechariah Hounshel

Task type

  • code Code