IRC/Hubot: Lay the foundation for GooeyJr - updated Gooey with new powers!
We at present have Gooey
on IRC, our bot based on GitHub's Hubot written in CoffeeScript
Put together from an older version of Hubot years ago Gooey has gotten dusty and full of broken scripts and it is probably easier at this point to start fresh with a blank new Hubot at the latest version.
The goal of this task is to get started on that path by spinning up a new bot, temporarily named GooeyJr, based on the latest Hubot, including easy docs and setup to help others in the community (and GCI!) to then start bolting on more features.
Definition of 'Done'
- A repository is created on GitHub (goal is to move it under the MovingBlocks org) named GooeyJr, holding the basics needed for a running Hubot customized for Terasology
- Setup instructions are added (and/or linked, no need to duplicate Hubot docs) that'll allow anybody to easily set up and run the bot locally for testing
- Bonus: Re-add one or more existing scripts/functions of existing Gooey (or submit issues in the repo for each feature that needs to be re-enabled
Where to start?
- Read up on and experiment some with Hubot
- Create your own copy and configure it to connect to a quiet channel on IRC you can test in
- Figure out how to best store what in a repo on GitHub that can be worked by the community
- Look over the old Gooey repo to see what was in place and what is still available. Also check out the issues in the tracker there.
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Students who completed this task
Rufus Behr