
StructureTemplates: Design a new line of structures in GooeysQuests

This is task 3 in the StructureTemplates chain. ADVANCED TASK! :-)

Suggested to finish the first two first:

This time rather than a free style structure or an additional segment for the first GooeysQuests structure line (the plain stone procedural dungeon) the idea is to come up with an entirely new line of structures, tied to a new option on Gooey's dialog (a new "quest")

The new line of structures should contain at least 5 segments that can be randomly fit together in some fashion, much like the existing dungeon. Some examples:

  • Simply a different dungeon like structure with a very different look (an underground fortress? A Mason's guild with all brick all the time? Etc)
  • A mine (abandoned or not)
  • An above ground maze of some sort (be mindful we have a Maze module for mazes of arbitrary size already, but that one has no distinct features), like a hedge maze with special rooms within
  • An under-water or coast-based theme of some sort. Ruined ship? Underwater city/temple ruins?
  • Other kinds of temples or fortress like structures
  • Anything you can think of that can build a theme out of segments.

Take advantage of the new toolbox in StructureTemplates - see

Final deliverables:

  • PR to the GooeysQuests module repo with working code
  • Screenshot(s) of the new structure line in action!

Task tags

  • dungeon
  • quest
  • architecture
  • structure
  • procedural

Students who completed this task

Max Borsch

Task type

  • code Code