
Create a video tutorial for setting up the game environment

While setting up Terasology from source is fairly easy due to the gradle-based build system handling most of the boring and complicated parts, it can be a little overwhelming for new contributors. A modder, texture artist, playtesting enthusiast, or other individual who hasn't done much - if any - coding before might get a lot out of seeing a basic video that covers installing the game from source and making some basic changes.

Definition of 'Done'

A single tutorial video (~10-15 minutes) or a playlist of several short videos (~1 minute each) is recorded and submitted, containing a tutorial showcasing the following:

  • Creating a GitHub account and forking the project.
  • Cloning the game to your desktop from the fork using git clone.
  • Configuring a remote for the fork.
  • Fetching several custom modules or creating a new one.
  • Running the gradlew idea task and launching the game using IntelliJ IDEA.
  • Running the game via command line and IntelliJ.
  • Making a simple change to the engine code and pushing it to the GitHub fork, then creating a pull request with the changes.

Where to start?

  • Most of the information the tutorial should cover can be found in the Development Setup tutorial and associated wiki articles.
  • OBS Studio is a great (and open-source!) video recording program, but feel free to use whatever software suits you best!

Task tags

  • documentation
  • video
  • tutorial

Students who completed this task

Josiah Somani, Mohammad Darvish

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • assessment Outreach / Research