
Fix PMD issues in the Terasology Launcher

PMD is a source code analyser that helps to spot and fix common programming flaws and bugs like empty variables, unused code blocks, unused objects and so forth. Over time, many such issues have managed to sneak in, and your task is to fix some of them! The PMD reports integrated into Terasology can give you a hint on how they can be resolved.

Definition of 'Done'

  • Submit a pull request that resolves 7 or more warnings reported by PMD.

Where to start?

  • A full list of PMD issues for the Terasology Launcher can be found in Jenkins PMD Overview.
  • To get started with the Terasology Launcher, check out the project's wiki, especially the Setup Guide

Task tags

  • jenkins
  • github
  • java

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code
  • done_all Quality Assurance