
Set up a local workspace and run Terasology from source

To get started with coding for Terasology you'll need to have the game's engine repository up and running in a local workspace. This is a fairly easy task to start off with, and an integral prerequisite for some of the more challenging ones!

Definition of 'Done'

You've managed to install an IDE like IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse and run the game from the IDE. (We recommend IntelliJ iDEA as it is better configured for Terasology's codebase, unless you are particularly comfortable with eclipse)


  • A screenshot of your favourite IDE or text editor displaying Terasology's source code is submitted.
  • A second screenshot is submitted, displaying the game running from source.

Suggested next task:

Where to Start?

Following the instructions in the Preparing an Engine Workspace tutorial, create a fork of Terasology's engine repository, clone it to your local workspace and run the game from source.

Task tags

  • git
  • install
  • gradle

Students who completed this task

Lars, Manan Yadav, Karen Huang, Cheung Kuen Yuet, Alin Constantin Ivan, Nicolás Hernán Rickert, Zion Nimchuk, Paarth Madan, J Young Kim, Michael Pintouri, Riley Schnee, Brian, Jason R. Carrete, Isaac, Benjamin Amos, Mathias M., Eric Wang, Eric Banisadr, SafeFatNoob, Kyryll Parolys, Asa Z, Elvin Jojo Antony, Vaibhav Bajaj, Patrick Wang, Gregor Karetka, Arpit Kamboj, Ege Caglar, Joshua Wong, caden kline, David Deng, Dev Choganwala, Avram Pop, kaenganxt, Jinxin Pan, Tim Verhaegen, apaukraine, PokeyOne, Shardul Chiplunkar, Maxim Kopecki, Rufus Behr, Axion Koper, BinaryBC, Zoom, Megan Yu, Karissa Barbu, Arav Singhal, Harsith R, Przemysław Rozwałka, Dhananjay Garg, Zechariah Hounshel, Jeroen Braakman, Quinn Roberts, Paymanshu Sharma, Miguel Piedrafita, Dhruv Shrivastava, Aneesh Sharma, Phillip Truong, D Shenandoah, Mandar Juvekar, Mohammad Darvish, Aaron1011, Andry, Anarav, samyak jain, Tinhorn, MadMate, Dane Claessen, Ian Santin, priyansh patni, Isaac Pugh, Shounak Ranabhor, Camellia Guan, Ronak Shah, Nicholas Bates, Scott Moses Sunarto

Task type

  • code Code

