Propose a redesign of the Romanian Wikipedia's main page
The current design of the Romanian Wikipedia's main page looks a bit outdated and could use a refresh. We do not have any limitations except the ones imposed by MediaWiki and wikitext. You can use any of the main pages linked to from as inspiration.
The page is created by putting together different templates. You should be able to re-use those without any knowledge of the language.
Design skills are useful, along with some HTML/CSS knowledge.
The task is considered complete when you have created a new page in your userspace that fulfills the following criteria:
- Contains all the information present on the current page.
- Looks significantly different from the current one. Color tweaking, font changes or section reordering alone do not count as significant changes. Combining those changes is considered a significant change.
- Is still readable on a mobile phone screen (560x960 px). Readable means there are no overlapping elements. Ideally, there is also no horizontal scroll (elements are reordered/resized), but this is not compulsory.
- Templates introduction (check out the "See also" pages at the bottom as well)
- Using HTML in Wikitext
There are several instances of this task so several students will work on this. We are looking for good ideas, so please don't be disappointed if your design does not make it in the end - we will still all have learned something together on the way! :)