
In the Wikidata code repositories, mark keywords in API help messages as "do not translate!"

Lots of messages that are shown in the ApiSandbox do not have untranslatable keywords and other string constants marked as "do not translate!".

  1. The entity type identifiers item and property are translated in a lot of messages. This can't work. Code relies on these strings and will fail if you try to create an entity of type "Eigenschaft", for example. One example is the message apihelp-wbeditentity-param-new.
  2. Some parameters in API modules refer to other parameters by their name. One example is the message apihelp-wbeditentity-param-title. It explains that the parameter title must be used together with sitelink. The message does not make much sense if sitelink is translated.

This must either be described in the qqq descriptions or fixed keywords should be passed in as a variable.

Task tags

  • php
  • wikidata

Students who completed this task

Yudhistira Gowo Samiaji

Task type

  • code Code