
Allow users to apply change tags as they use FlaggedRevs, and solve another small bug

Your task is to:

  1. Add support for change tagging to the two stabilize API actions that are part of the FlaggedRevs extension. (One, called ApiStabilizeGeneral, is used when $wgFlaggedRevsProtection = false, while the other, ApiStabilizeProtect, is used when that setting is true.) This involves adding a new parameter called tags, checking that the user is allowed to apply change tags, and then applying the tags themselves. ApiDelete as of this patch is a good model.
  2. Solve the issue in, where the API help output ( or mentions a parameter that doesn't exist on all wikis.

Task tags

  • mediawiki
  • api
  • php

Students who completed this task

Yurii Shnitkovskyi

Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training