Quiet TimeoutError in celery logging of the ORES service
Unfortunately, the ORES-Service (https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Objective_Revision_Evaluation_Service) creates some timeout errors, which (as itself) isn't a big problem. However, from an operational point of view, currently it would be great if the errors would be skipped, so that they don't appear in the log anymore. Your task is to achieve this.
You must use the linked Phabricator task for communication with your mentors as some of the task mentors are not registered here on the GCI website, so they will not see your comments here.
Please see the Phabricator task for some more background information.
Excerpt from the log:
[2016-09-25 16:37:17,695: ERROR/MainProcess] Task ores.scoring_systems.celery_queue._lookup_score_in_map[enwiki:reverted:0.1.2:741120316] raised unexpected: TimeoutError('The operation timed out.')