
Fix 10-20 PHP issues in MediaWiki core found by static code analysis (I)

MediaWiki continuous integration now runs Phan. Phan is a static code analyser for PHP. Phan highlighted a lot of issues. Until those issues are fixed in the MediaWiki core code repository, these issues have been temporarily suppressed (so they will not be shown) in the suppress_issue_types array in Phan's config.php file.

Technical requirements:

You are expected to

  • have some basic understanding of PHP
  • install Phan locally
  • manually remove some issue types from the suppress_issue_types array
  • run Phan locally
  • check Phan's output
  • fix 10-20 of the errors in the output
  • submit your patch in Wikimedia Gerrit. Make sure the commit message has the line "Bug: T153252"

If you run into any problems with Phan, please ask on Phan's Discussion page on the wiki (as there will be more people seeing it than in this GCI task.)

Task tags

  • php
  • cleanup

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code
  • done_all Quality Assurance