Mifos Initiative
Sign up for the various community accounts and introduce yourself on the mailing lists
Mailing lists are the primary communication channels in most open source projects so it’s essential that you get comfortable and familiar with conversing openly via them. This task involves signing up for our various community accounts for Mifos and Apache Fineract and then sending an email to the list (mifos-developer@lists.sourceforge.net) introducing yourself including the following: name, current year in school, where you’re located, what you’re studying and what you hope to gain by participating in GCI with the Mifos Initiative.
As your deliverable, please include screenshots of the account you've signed up for and of the sent introductory email. Also include a list of your usernames for the various accounts you signed up for:
Apache Fineract
- Fineract Developers Mailing List by sending a blank email to dev-subscribe@fineract.incubator.apache.org
- Apache Fineract Issue Tracker - https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/Signup!default.jspa
- Apache Fineract Wiki - https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/signup.action
- Developer Mailing List at https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/mifos-developer
- MifosForge Account (for creating tickets on our issue tracker and editing wiki pages) https://mifosforge.jira.com/admin/users/sign-up
- Mobilize.io Profile - individual profile for our global community directory - https://mifos.mobilize.io/registrations/groups/5014
- MifosConnect (AnswerHub - Q & A site for our community): http://mifos.cloud.answerhub.com/users/register.htm
Task tags
Students who completed this task
Alexius Adhitya K., Pranav Mangal, Janvi Bajoria, Florin Giorgi, Simon Narang, Eiliries, Shivam Singh, Ivan Sucgang, Tanay Kumar, Aaron Elson P, Ratish Panda, Sawan Kumar, Ashley Lim