Mifos Initiative

Create a set of training slides for Loan Loss Provisioning

Prepare training slides to teach end users how to use the Mifos X system to set up loan loss provisioning and create provisioning entries following the documentation at https://mifosforge.jira.com/wiki/display/docs/Create+provisioning+criteria and https://mifosforge.jira.com/wiki/display/docs/Provisioning+Entries

You can also reference https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FINERACT/Loan+Loss+Provisioning to further understand the functionality

Please include screenshots based on the newest version of the web app found at https://demo.openmf.org/beta (user id - mifos, password - password) You will need to follow the documentation to configure the demo system to capture the correct screenshots.

Then include step by step instructions along with screenshots across individual slides so these can be used as a tool to train end users.

After selecting your task:

The presentation template can be found at https://mifosforge.jira.com/wiki/display/docs/Training+Slides .

Rename the template with the task you have selected.

Follow the instructions found in the task and if you get stuck, let us know!

Task tags

  • user instruction
  • training
  • loans
  • support
  • financial services

Students who completed this task

Justin Du

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training