Mifos Initiative


FinTech non-profit leveraging the cloud, mobile, and open source community to transform the delivery of financial services to the worlds 2 billion poor and unbanked.

The Mifos Initiative is a US-based 501(c)3 non-profit whose mission is to speed the elimination of poverty by leading a global community that builds, supports, and uses Mifos X, a free and open source platform enabling financial service providers to more effectively and efficiently deliver responsible financial services to the world’s 2 billion poor and unbanked.

More than 3.8 million clients are being reached by 200 financial institutions & fintech innovators who use Mifos to power their operations across more than 36 countries.

For the past decade, we've been at the forefront of transformative technology for financial services to the poor. Our technology stack provides complete banking infrastructure that is cloud-ready, mobile-enabled, and scalable to billions. Our projects center around web & mobile apps built on APIs from Apache Fineract, the world's only API-driven open source platform for financial inclusion.

You'll work with a global community of brilliant minds guided by our shared vision of 3 Billion Maries. You'll be mentored by leading fintech developers & financial inclusion practitioners working with the Base of the Pyramid:

  • Mobile Wallets & Client-Facing Apps via SMS, USSD, & Android
  • Android Mobile Apps for microfinance field officers to more effectively serve the poor
  • AngularJS based web apps for managing the back office of a financial institution
  • Cutting edge online web apps for self-service banking for the poor
  • Reporting & Business Intelligence Tools

Primary Open Source License: Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)

Programming Languages:

  • android
  • java
  • angularjs
  • mysql
  • spring


  • fintech
  • financial inclusion
  • microfinance
  • mobile banking
  • hfoss