MetaBrainz Foundation

Add fields to BookBrainz profile editor

Aim: expose all user-set fields in the profile editor for editing Estimated time: 3 hours

Currently, the editor profile form only allows a user to change their own bio, title and area. However, we'd like the user to be able to update the information stored for their display/user name, their gender and their birthday, and make it possible to delete gender and birthday information.

To do this, it will be necessary to modify the Profile Form component, and add input fields for the required data. You'll also need to fetch the additional data from the server in the route handler for the form, and use this to pre-populate the additional fields with existing data.

Finally, you'll need to update the route handler for form submission to handle the additional fields, and update the database with the submitted data.

To submit your work, clone the repository on GitHub and locally, create a git branch for your work, prefixed "profile-editor-extension-" and ending in your GCI username (eg. "profile-editor-extension-bob"). Commit your modifications, using small commits which make clear, self-contained changes. Finally, push your work to GitHub, and create a new Pull Request containing the changes.

Task tags

  • react
  • bookbrainz
  • ui
  • javascript
  • database

Students who completed this task

Daniel Hsing

Task type

  • code Code
  • web Design