MetaBrainz Foundation

Convert entity revision display from Pug to React

  • Aim: migrate the template code for the entity revision page from Pug to React
  • Estimated Time: 3 hours

Our system for rendering webpages is currently split between two technologies - Pug and React. This is far from ideal, and we're trying to convert all of our rendering to use React.

The entity revision display page is one of the pages still using the Pug templating system. We'd like you to write a React component that can be rendered to produce the same output as the Pug template, with the same functionality.

The existing Pug template can be found here in our GitHub repository. The server-side route that renders the template is also in the repository, here.

Use to simplify your React code where possible.

To submit your work, clone the repository on GitHub and locally, create a git branch for your work, prefixed "entity-revision-conversion-" and ending in your GCI username (eg. "entity-revision-conversion-bob"). Commit your modifications, using small commits which make clear, self-contained changes. Finally, push your work to GitHub, and create a new Pull Request containing the changes.

Task tags

  • react
  • pug
  • bookbrainz
  • refactor
  • javascript

Students who completed this task

Daniel Hsing

Task type

  • code Code
  • web Design