MetaBrainz Foundation

Document the functions in one of the page component files

  • Aim: completely document all of the functions within a single file using JSDoc syntax
  • Estimated Time: 3 hours

Documentation is an important part of Open Source projects, allowing new collaborators to contribute to a project, and helping old collaborators remember what they wrote and why they wrote it. Unfortunately, the main developers haven't had enough time to prioritize documenting BookBrainz, and this is discourages new developers, so it's important that we get this sorted out.

For this task, familiarize yourself with JSDoc:

Then, pick a file at random from the ./src/client/components/pages directory of the bookbrainz-site repository, or any of its sub-directories. Then, edit it to add JSDoc comments to every function you can see. The comments should provide some context - describe what each function does, how it fits in with the rest of the program, its parameters and any return value.

Task tags

  • bookbrainz
  • jsdoc
  • javascript

Students who completed this task

Srijan Jha, Divya Prakash Mittal

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training