MetaBrainz Foundation

Make an infographic explaining how the various *Brainz are connected/related

Create an infographic showing how the various MetaBrainz projects relate to one another. It could be what kind of information they use from each other, what their history with each other is, etc.

The details will mostly be left to you, the student, and your artistic interpretation—but please feel free to ask for advice! To get started, Imgur has a lot of infographics, maybe looking at a few of those will give you some inspiration. :)

The product should be made available for use by the MetaBrainz Foundation under the Creative Commons Attribution‐ShareAlike license, so make sure you're not using assets (e.g., clipart) that can't be published under this. If assets you're using require you to use another Creative Commons license that might also be acceptable—discuss this with the mentors.

Task tags

  • metabrainz
  • no code
  • graphics

Students who completed this task

Soh Xin Yi

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • assessment Outreach / Research