Redesign the Online Geometry Viewer's (OGV's) geometry import page

Improve the design of the geometry upload / conversion page that is displayed when a user uploads their ".g" BRL-CAD geometry files to OGV. Right now, the page serves the purpose but still there is much room for improvement so that it is more user friendly, less messy.

You'll ideally need to install and set up BRL-CAD's Online Geometry Viewer first, but not strictly necessary. You can see what the interface used to look like at


SUBMIT a new design either as actual code modifications (i.e., a patch or pull request) or a prototype interface design as a set of images with a text description how yours would be better.

Task tags

  • gui
  • html
  • design
  • css
  • javascript

Students who completed this task

Tianyue Gao, sagarwal

Task type

  • web Design