
Finish Drupal Ladder [Drupal Core Ladder] - Test patches

http://drupalladder.org/lesson/93887717-c398-2434-394c-cf10851b4f1c Review the "Drupal Ladder" at website above and finish the specific steps required in this task. It is important to note any issues as Drupal 8 is brand new and you might be one of the first users climbing the ladder for related steps (some steps might be d6/7). If you find any issues, document while providing feedback on how to resolve. If you find any blank steps, your task becomes to write the first draft/version of the step.

Deliverables: Provide evidence for completing the steps by writing a blog post with screenshots and notes about the experience. If the step was simple, feel free to post a few comments here with screenshot rather than creating an entire blog post. What did you learn? How will you continue to utilize these skills?

Task tags

  • patches
  • issue queue

Students who completed this task

Thew, Daniel Jeremie, Neeraj Pandey

Task type

  • done_all Quality Assurance