Hangouts: Present New Feature (Jan 14)
Present a new feature on our weekly GCI Hangout On Air along with a short screencap video demonstrating the feature. Ensure you attribute the developer(s) responsible for the feature in your presentation. You will have 2-3 minutes for your presentation followed by 2-3 minutes for discussion and questions.
You may either pre-record your presentation and upload it to the PySoy Youtube Channel or present it live by sharing your PySoy window, in either case you must participate in the Hangout live to answer questions and participate in the discussion.
Hangout should go live Jan 14 at 20:00UTC (you should be connected 15 minutes early) and run 20-30 minutes. Test your video, audio, lighting, software, network, etc with a test Hangout an hour or more before the Hangout so you have enough time to fix any issues.
As you cannot claim two tasks at the same time, you cannot complete this task the same week as you do another weekly Hangout On Air task.
Post a link to the resulting Youtube video of the Hangout On Air to finish this task.