Systers, an Anita Borg Institute Community

PWR (iOS): Access level-2 only after completing level-1


  • Complete the project setup task


Step 1: Check out this issue on Github. Assign this to yourself.

Step 2: Level-2(sex-scenario) should be made accessible only after the user has finished playing level-1(communication and refusal skills). If user clicks level-2 button on map screen before playing level-1, an alert message should pop up displaying the text "Finish Level-1 and come back later!"


As you work on this task, you should join and remain in #gci-general or #powerup on Systers Opensource Slack to get help, feedback, and guidance from mentors and other developers.


  • Send a PR with the desired changes

Task tags

  • powerup
  • code
  • ios

Students who completed this task

Yash Bharti

Task type

  • code Code