Systers, an Anita Borg Institute Community

Identify and report a bug! [FirstAide - Web]


Simple Definition

Identify a bug in the application and report it

Steps to take

  • Run the various modules and play around with them
  • For example, test for unusual inputs in registration and user (This is just an example, try out testing in other modules as well)


As you work on this task, you should join and remain in #gci-general or #firstaide-web on Systers Opensource Slack to get help, feedback, and guidance from mentors and other developers.

Evaluated Work:

Create a new issue in the issue list of the FirstAide-web Github repo. Add proper description and screenshots

Task tags

  • web
  • php
  • firstaide
  • bug

Students who completed this task

Yash Bharti, Rahul Bisht

Task type

  • code Code
  • done_all Quality Assurance