Systers, an Anita Borg Institute Community
Create a set-up guide! [FirstAide - Android]
You are expected to prepare a document that includes details on how to set up PCSA Android for development. You need to set-up the project on your machine for this task. If you encounter issues during set-up, include them and how you managed to resolve them.
Your document MUST include all of the following.
- Numbered steps
- Screenshots for each step
- Issues during the process and how you managed to resolve them
Make the document detailed so that a new comer can easily follow and set-up the project successfully.
As you work on this task, you should join and remain in #gci-general and #firstaide on Systers Opensource Slack to get help, feedback, and guidance from mentors and other developers.
Work Submission:
Link to the Google Doc or upload the documentation file.
Task tags
Students who completed this task
Soham Sen