Systers, an Anita Borg Institute Community

Create UI Test with Espresso Test Recorder!


Must have a Systers Android project forked on GitHub.


Add automated test using Espresso Test Recorder tool available with Android Studio version 2.2. The Automated test should contain required Assertions while recording the test. Run the test and check result.

Follow the steps given on here.


As you work on this task, you should join and remain in #gci-general and the channel of the project you're working on in Systers Opensource Slack to get help, feedback, and guidance from mentors and other developers.


  • Screenshot of the "Record Your Test"
  • Link to the pull request on your forked repo with your .java test file.

Task tags

  • android
  • powerup
  • espresso
  • automation testing

Students who completed this task

Soham Sen, arpna kumari, MKASKER

Task type

  • web Design
  • done_all Quality Assurance