loklak/OpenStreetMap: Get geolocation from OpenStreetMap using Postal code

Write a small web form using javascript, ajax and html5. Store longitude and latitude in variables and display results on the page.

use the nominatim api to query openstreetmap and retrieve the results.

You can find the description of nominatim at

You can use jsfiddle to play around with javascript and html5: It's a very helpful tool for developing and debugging web sites

Task tags

  • openstreetmap
  • ajax
  • javascript
  • html5

Students who completed this task

Yasoob, Yash Kumar Verma, Jason, Hannan Ali, Duc Phan Duy, pythad, Mehmet Cagri Ari, mborsch, Ben Hiatt, superwoman7, Yago González, Andrei, Abishek V Ashok, Ronin, Christian Aguilar, Anshuman73

Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training