loklak: Set up additional instances of loklak servers with Docker [Part II]


Loklak is a server application which is able to collect messages from various sources, including twitter. The server contains a search index and a peer-to-peer index sharing interface. You should have already set up a loklak_server with Docker in a previous task here. Please make use of the remaining resources on IBM Bluemix and set up at least one other server with loklak in the instance and keep it running.

Setup instructions:

Expected Outcome:

  • all together 4 loklak server successfully installed and collecting tweets on the system
  • server should stay continuously online
  • tweet about your task with a screenshot of your set up, e.g. "More #loklak twitter search servers with #FOSSASIA @lklknt @fossasia @0rb1t3r @notessensei @ansi @triplez82"


Task tags

  • loklak
  • twitter
  • server
  • docker
  • linux

Students who completed this task

JLeow00, Duc Phan Duy, Scott Deng, Poh Say Keong

Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • assessment Outreach / Research