Open Event Android App: Identify and report a bug in the official issue tracker

1) Objective

Bug reports and feature requests help projects to communicate with users and among each other. Please help the project by finding a bug and open an issue on open-event-android github repo, also add a screenshot of the issue and lots of details.

2. Requirements

Clone open-event-android on your system. Build the project using Android Studio and run on emulator/device. You may directly install the apk also (in case you are not familiar with android studio and build process).

Various scenerios for bugs are:

  1. On orientation change.
  2. Slow network (2g)
  3. No network.

3) Expected outcome

4) Links

Task tags

  • test
  • communication
  • android
  • open event
  • collaboration

Students who completed this task

mRokita, Yathannsh

Task type

  • assessment Outreach / Research
  • done_all Quality Assurance