Society Server/REST: Write examples and tests for a RESTful API
the societyserver project implements a RESTful API.
this API needs examples and tests, so that we can show how to use it and verify that things still work if the API is changed.
your task is to write a new example and tests that demonstrate and verifiy the API. you can find code examples in the techgrind site
areas that should be tested are login, getting, submitting and updating documents and many more. find one area that is not tested yet, and add your test.
- clone the steam-rest repo
- check out the examples and tests that are there, and find a new item that needs testing.
- for each example there are API tests and end-to-end tests.
- talk to your mentor about your example (since multiple students can work on this we want to make sure you each make a different test)
- add your examle and tests
- submit a pullrequest
Expected Outcome
a discussion with the mentors of this task about your proposed example. a pull-request with an additional example and tests.
the tests should be released under the GPLv2 or later, so that they can be included with the original code.
you can reach your mentor on irc on the freenode network in channel #fossasia