Game/FOSSASIA quiz: Create a multi-choice quiz/game in JAVA with UI


Creating games is fun for the developer and for people playing. So, let's create a multi-choice quiz. Please add the game to the FOSSASIA GCI student site in the section "Games" with a) a link to the code and b) if possible a version that runs in the browser.


  • Develop a multi-choice quiz with at least 10 questions pertaining to the theme FOSS
  • The questions and answers(labels) could be hardcoded (i.e. no database required)
  • Display result/scorecard at end
  • Use of buttons/labels etc as UI widgets (preferably JAVA)
  • Make a repository for the same on GitHub

Expected Outcome:

  • multi-choice quiz with at least 10 questions about FOSS
  • score at the end
  • hosted on github
  • provide links to the resources or tutorials you have found online
  • game added to the FOSSASIA GCI student site ( in the section "Games" with a) a link to the code and b) if possible a version that runs in the browser.
  • tweet the screenshot or post a message on Facebook or any other social network of your choice: Something like, e.g. "Made a multi-choice quiz game at #FOSSASIA #GCI @fossasia @hpdang"


  • Github:
  • Type in "java quiz game programming" in Google and find lots of results to get you started

Task tags

  • java
  • game
  • foss
  • ui
  • quiz

Students who completed this task

SVR8, Owen Leong, Yash Mundra, Vineet, Cyber CrWler, mYsTeRi0us, Rahul Narayanan, Ann, antoniomdk, Gunvir Ranu, Ian Hoegen, Wrichik1999, Cake, Ronin, Baidya, shiftsayan

Task type

  • code Code
  • web Design