Smalltalk: Extend a small user management app in pharo smalltalk


deepen your experience with pharo smalltalk by adding a feature to a small application.

before attempting this task you should at least work through "learn pharo smalltalk"


load the code as described here:

Gofer it squeaksource: 'Pharocasts';
             package: 'ContactManager';
ContactListEditor open.

explore the application and see what it does.

use the system browser to explore the code, and figure out how to extend the application by one field.

add a third field called "e-mail".

don't hesitate to ask for help.

write a weblog post about your experience and upload the resulting work.

(in pharo "select save as...", then save as "FOSSASIA-yourname" and upload the files FOSSASIA-yourname.image and FOSSASIA-yourname.changes)

Expected Outcome

a weblog post about your experience a smalltalk image file containing the application

your code from this task and your weblog post should be published under the following licenses: CC-BY-SA, GNU FDL, GNU GPL v2 or later.

Task tags

  • pharo
  • gui
  • smalltalk

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code
  • web Design