Django: Create an event management portal for FOSSASIA summits using Django

Please create a Web app to create, organize and manage Summits and related events. The outcome of this task needs to be a web app that can be used for Event or summit. You need to build it in such a way that attendees can be informed about the events happening and organizers can communicate effectively within their circles and pass on announcements as well. You can make use of Forms in django and incorporate underlying database in app to store user registration data and generate a hall ticket if possible.

This task will include following activities:

  1. Creating a project Event registration
  2. Define section and forms for attendee registration
  3. Define section and forms for organizer registration
  4. Defining the database model to store user data
  5. Defining panel to publish single event detail
  6. Defining a module to publish notifications by organizers
  7. Styling the web application to publish it.

Expected Outcome:

  • The submission should contain following features -
  • Welcome page displaying events
  • Notification Center
  • Attendee registration section
  • Organizer registration section
  • Module to allow posting notification by Organizers
  • Description pages for events like Presentation, Seminar etc
  • More functionalities which students find worth including

Tutorials and recommended reading:

Task tags

  • python
  • web app
  • django

Students who completed this task

pythad, Juanvhook

Task type

  • code Code
  • web Design