Yacy/Wikipedia: Write a Wikipedia article about YaCy in your language

1) Objective

Please add an article about Yacy to Wikipedia in any uncovered language. Compare the artilce in the English version here: You can use any content of for this work. The new Wikipedia article must be in a language that is not currently used for articles about YaCy.

2. Requirements

  • Write a new article or improve an existing article substantially (with at least 400 additional words, screenshots etc.)
  • Use a Wikipedia user account
  • Add different sections and include links
  • Add the Yacy logo and basic information to the article
  • Announce the article on twitter, FB or another network

3) Expected outcome

  • Wikipedia artilce in a new language
  • Post a message about yout task at FOSSASIA Google Code-In on Twitter (Weibo or another service) e.g. "Made a page with #FOSSASIA #GCI #CodeAcademy today with mentors from around the world http://link-to-wikipedia-page-you-worked-on @fossasia #yacy"

4) Links

Task tags

  • yacy
  • documentation
  • wikipedia
  • localization
  • search engine

Students who completed this task

HIMANSHU SEKHAR NAYAK, Sajidh Farook, Maria2250, Dani Pop, Muhamed Ibrahim, Nastya, shiftsayan

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • assessment Outreach / Research