PHP: Getting started - install and configure Apache server with PHP


Apache is free and open web server. PHP is simple and powerful language of web applications' creation. Your task is to install and configure Apache server with support of PHP and then create a simple application, which displays "Hello, [your name]!" in PHP.


  • Install and configure Apache on your computer/VPS with support of PHP. Write a report about this process with screenshots and your feelings about the procedure.
  • Write a short application in PHP and HTML, which shows "Hello, [your name]!". Upload here the resulting file and a screenshot to your Github account.
  • Add the screenshot to the student gallery ( and link it to your repository.


Task tags

  • apache
  • php

Students who completed this task

Yasoob, NICCWD, Gegeneo, Yathannsh, Yekoss, Andrei, Abishek V Ashok

Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training