[WikiToLearn] Parse and convert tables from LaTeX to MediaWiki
We use plasTeX library and our l2mw (LaTeX to MediaWiki) script to parse and manage LaTeX docs. We need to convert tables from LaTeX to MediaWiki markup. The LaTeX source of a table can be read from the sources through our script and plastex library. MediaWiki source for the table must be returned following MediaWiki syntax (https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Table). You have to create a function inside our l2mw script that handles the conversion of tables. You can find our code at: https://github.com/WikiToLearn/LatexToMediaWiki. You’ll need to install plasTeX lib, downloaded as a Git submodule. Please submit your work as a patch file sufficiently documented. Contact us on the official GCI telegram group (https://telegram.me/joinchat/Ak_xWAFN8iMkNOlzLcCYXQ) or on our irc channel #wikitolearn.