MetaBrainz Foundation

CB: Write and share a review for an album from a local artist in your native language

Find a music album from a local artist (one from your town/city, region, or country) in your native language you would like to review. Listen to it. Go on and give it another listen. Then 1) make sure it's already in MusicBrainz (if not, add it); 2) go to CritiqueBrainz and write a review about it in your native language (be sure to also set the language of the review!); and 3) share your review with the world! Facebook, Twitter, your blog, wherever. :)

Be sure to note down any difficulties/errors along the way and report them at

Need help getting started? See Elements of a CritiqueBrainz Review.

Task tags

  • critiquebrainz
  • music
  • writing

Students who completed this task

petronela06, OanaScarlatescu44, Ahmed Samaligui, Adela Cazan, GuiltyCr0wnz, Sankalp, Eij Ihs Uy, SilentStriker, RunningMeatball, laurentiucinda, Divya Prakash Mittal, anaplesa, YZ, Dev, LucianBota, Ariessa, Ana14, florianantonescu, Denisa Pirlea, Nobody knows

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • assessment Outreach / Research
  • done_all Quality Assurance